The mud was soft and soon she began to sink in. The loss of breath awoke her. Haldora was in the middle of a dense wood under heavy rain. She got up and tried to walk, but she would only slip in the mud. She then crawled towards a cave, where she sat shivering waiting for the rain to end. Haldora was no longer happy to have her senses back, she could not remember the last time she had felt this cold or hungry. The rain was heavy and long lasting and soon Haldora fainted of cold and hunger.
The crackling sound of a wood burning fire woke Haldora up and she opened her eyes as if to find out if it was a dream. She was in hut, a fire was burning beside her and she was covered with animal skins. The hut seemed much empty, till an older woman entered, letting the light of the sun in. Haldora’s eyes where hurt by this light, she turned her head. The woman closed the cloth in front of the door and set her baskets down.
- You’re awake. I thought you would never wake.
Haldora looked around in a panic.
- Don’t worry, you’re safe. I brought you here from the cave you were in. You were delirious with fever. I kept you warm, gave you some food. You seem to be all right now. How do you feel?
Haldora still looked reluctant to speak, she could understand most of what was said, but could not make out much of it.
- Don’t be afraid, really. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Anna. This is my house. - She reached for the fire and took a leftover chicken, she handed it to Haldora. Haldora took it and ate it franticly. Anna smiled. - Let us see if we can find something for you to wash that down with. - She looked around and found a bottle, popped the cork and gave it to Haldora, who drank it. - That should get some color back on that face of yours.
A noise was heard outside. Anna made a gesture for Haldora to calm down. She got up and looked out the door, then picked up a small sachet and left. Haldora went on eating and drinking. Anna came back inside.
- Sorry love, just a bit of business. So, are you ready to talk now? What’s your name?
- Haldora. - She answered with a trembling voice.
- That is a very odd name. It sounds ancient.
Haldora nodded her head. Anna looked at her and thought for a second.
- Haldora is of the old realm.
Haldora was amazed at this information.
- Yes. I remember my grandmother saying that a long time ago, before time was time, in the old kingdoms of the North, there were people with an odd sounding tongue and they worshiped the Haldora’s. The half spirited ones.
Haldora was now very scared. Her eyes were wide open at the thought of some one knowing the secret of her origins.
- Your people must still be descendants of those others and I bet you speak the old tongue. Good for you I can understand it. - Explained Anna.
Haldora still said nothing.
- Shall we just call you…Hal, to make it easier? - Anna smiled kindly and Haldora knew she was safe, she nodded.
- Good. So, where are you from, Hal?
Haldora thought how to answer this question, but she had no way of doing so, she looked so troubled, that Anna jumped to her own conclusions.
- You don’t remember, do you?
Haldora shook her head.
- It’s all right, Hal. You are here now and I will take care of you.
Haldora smiled.
- Where is here?
- Wessex! You’re in the kingdom of Wessex.
Haldora’s shined upon hearing this word. Anna was not indifferent to this, but remained quiet.
- Now, let’s see if we can find you some clothes that fit.
Anna gave her some clothes of her own, but they all seemed to be very big on Haldora. Anna did not seem to mind that, it was in fact rather funny. Haldora was happy to hear again the laughter of another mortal for the longest of time all she could hear were the screams from across the walls.
Haldora left the hut, to soak herself in the sun, but soon found its light to be too bright for her. Her eyes could not stay open and were teary. She came back inside and sat at the darkest corner of the hut, where she felt safe. Anna noticed this but again remained quiet. She brought Haldora a drop spindle and before she could explain how the mechanism worked, Haldora was using it properly, not that she had ever used it before, but her understanding, seemed to be a step farther then Anna’s. Again was silent at the strangeness of this woman. Haldora spindled at a fast pace and soon she had enough thread to fix Anna’s old clothes and turn them into dresses that fit perfectly, as done especially for her.
- I believe we’ve found you a job. - Anna announced.
Haldora was proud of herself. She drew near Anna to help her with the preparation of the food. When she stretched her hands Anna noticed they were bleeding and burnt from the thread running fast through her fingers, Haldora did not seemed to notice and show no indication of pain. Anna grabs her hand and poured a liquid on her hands, she squirmed in pain, but not with the reaction that Anna was expecting. Haldora was again fearful but Anna never showed herself too concerned. The dinner arrangements kept both of the women busy and when the sun was setting Haldora tried again to leave the hut. This time, she could move freely, eyes open and no tears. She could see all around her, even in dark corners. But she could not feel the softness of the leaves in her hands, nor could she really say if flowers had the right smell. She heard noises around her that did not seem to be natural; she could never locate them, nor see where they were. Anna watched from a distance, while Haldora roamed the woods as an animal let loose after a long stay indoors. Anna studied all of Haldora’s attempts to be as she once had been. Now in the twilight Anna could finally notice that the pale white skin was not of illness but natural. By the dark she looked almost dead, though her features were alive. Anna knew something was very mysterious about this woman, but still she was not about to deny her anything, it had been a long time since she had had company.
Haldora did not wonder very far, but at a clearance where the evening star was now starting to twinkle, she stopped and laid on the ground to look at it. She heard a familiar voice and soon smelled a familiar smell, cold surrounded her and fear invaded her. She got up and there she stood hovering, Hella. She stretched her hands towards Haldora as if to grab her and Haldora was frozen in her piercing eyes.
A new familiar voice, a scream and at once the smell was gone, the cold had pass, confusion still stayed.